Monday, March 1, 2010

warm up?

nothing much ah today, but koonsiang................................

after school went to eat lunch with dick + koonsiang, jonathan say later come, end up we eat finish than he come. haha, ok so later went to joel house to slack, than ks say "eh mel, pass me the ball, i dont want go joel house, alot of smoke, i go warm up first at the basketball court" , end up he go home. wtf??!? WARM UP TILL GO HOME.
plus me jeffrey dickson already reach the basketball court.damn funny la, when we reached, than we know. LOL )!#*)_!$*!_)$*!$!hahahahahahah.

ca1 result
i admit, i didnt study at all. but i still PASS !!! haha except for chinese.
i sure can win a award for failing chinese all the time, if there is one.

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