Wednesday, October 21, 2009

chicken backside ?

hi to anyone whose reading my blog
todays wednesday and attended school as usual.
yesterday was crap.... late , got d.c. 2 hours , and a warning ( late 1 more time suspend ) .
after that..... Mr.Goy walk past and saw my sexy chicken backside hair and ask me to cut because is too punky, so i went home and didnt bother ,
so today i waxed my hair + blowdry so it wont be so obvious.
he checked my hair during CPA lesson and say i never cut ( which i really did not ! ), and say that he wants to help me cut , but after the CPA lesson he forgotten i guess , so thats all , tomorrow going to have excursion , gonna be a fun one i guess , rather long post so i stop here ba. AND TO THOSE WHO READ MY BLOG , I BET YOUR EOY PASS ! ( JOEl, AMOS AND KS) yup so read more of it !

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