Sunday, July 26, 2009

cousins wedding

hey peeps.
just back from my cousin's wedding dinner .
enjoyed alot , the food were satisfying . atmosphere great !
its been long since ive been to wedding dinners ,
gonna wait for my dad to come home and we can feast on durians ! (:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

blew my top.

just now , i couldnt on my comp due to some usual problems , so i asked my bro not to on as he wanted to try whether he can fix the prob anot.
i was so mad that i gave him a slap on his chest , and he didnt cry , so i think it doesnt hurt.
i shouted at my younger sis because i asked her to throw the biscuit wrapper and she didnt ,
my mother saw me slapping my bro's chest and she come and scold me , so i was like , i already told my bro not to touch my comp and he still touch , that is where i shouted at my mum too .

haha , i guess i was really mad . i will not use violence to deal with problems bah...

Friday, July 24, 2009


hey ,
today my dad come bak from cheena ( china ) .
str8 away give me $50 $.$ . well i asked him :P

anyway , played basketball with jeffrey jonathan joel joseph . bloody koonsiang dun wan play .
had fun though. play halfway , the macspicy erupted and my stomach hurts . hahha
after basketball, my father fetched me home , and now im here blogging . i guess im gonna bathe now .

before basketball we ate mac got seaweed shakers liao sia , omg


Thursday, July 23, 2009

first post.

first time posting.
inspired by amos , and today is his birthday , so...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMOS !
yes i know u must be thinking that my blog is plain , couldn't find nice blogskins :(
thanks amos for asking whether i need help.

what do i do next ?